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Lake Information Updates

This page provides information on some current issues and projects that SLACAR is following or participating in.


On June 15th come help us collect the "One millionth Chinese Mystery Snail" from the waters of Haliburton Highlands!


If you are a property owner on South Lake and you can kindly collect as many Chinese mystery snails from your shoreline that morning, bagging them up in doubled clear plastic bags and leaving them at the end of your driveway by 1 PM, we will come pick them up and properly dispose of them! The actual removal from the lake should be done by people listed on the license schedule B.


Also, if you are a paid up SLACAR member but for some reason can't collect them yourself that day, let us know and we will see what we can do about getting them done for you. We will have limited time and limited volunteers, so requests will be done in the order they are received. Please message Paul Prentice at if you want to be added to the list. If you are not a member but would like our help, get that membership in today!!!


If you can help us out beyond just doing your own property that day, let Paul know as well. All help is appreciated.

Our thanks goes out to Rob McGowan of the OFAH and to Paul MacInnes of the CHA for their assistance with the project.

Invasive species - mystery snail



Weeds torn by boat propellers or other human activity will propagate quickly into a thick mass of tangled stems underwater and mats of vegetation on the water surface of the lake. Dense mats of Eurasian Water Milfoil block light from penetrating into the water which shades out other aquatic vegetation. This aggresive growth kills off other plant life and adversely effects the natural ecosystem of South Lake. Stands of the plant create stagnant water and create ideal breeding grounds for mosquitoes.


The plant poses a problem to human recreational activities such as swimming, boating and fishing. The weeds often bind up motor propellers and get caught in rudders and paddles.


Two primary Milfoil sites exist in South Lake (one at the north end and one along the east shore across from the trailer park) and are depicted on the map. Five smaller sites around the lake have also been discovered.

Please consider printing out a copy of the Milfoil poster so that you can share this information with guests, renters or visitors.

Eurasian Watermilfoil


Eurasian watermilfoil (EWM) is one of the most problematic invasive aquatic plants in North America. EWM out-competes native vegetation and degrades aquatic habitats by reducing biodiversity. EWM forms dense canopies of growth in the water, which can make boating and fishing impossible and degrade property values.

At the 2023 SLACAR AGM, Jim Miners (Chair of the EWM Working Group, DSLPOA) did a presentation on the management of Eurasian watermilfoil. He referred to a short video produced by the Drag and Spruce Lakes Property Owner's Association. To view the video, click below.

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